Grid Description

No description available.


Trace sharing:
DAS-2 team, contact person Dr. Henri Bal

Trace analysis:
Shanny Anoep
Alexandru Iosup
Hui Li
Lex Wolters
Catalin Dumitrescu
Dick Epema

Trace Summary

TraceID/Source No. Sites No. V-Procs No. Users No. Jobs Utillization Reseach Work
GWA-T-1 DAS2 2-5 101-1K 201-500 >1M 0-10% 2-5

Trace Download

Copyright note
The DAS-2 traces were kindly provided by the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), the owner of the DAS-2 system. To use these traces, you must include an acknowledgement to the source of the data in any published material that refers to the data. Please also consider refering to the Grid Workloads Archive in the acknowledgements.

Download the GWA-T-1 trace in GWF format [18MB]
Download the GWA-T-1 trace in SQLite format [17MB]

Analysis report

A detailed analysis report of this GWA-T-1 DAS2 trace is available online.

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